Troll King Salmon

These fish are caught by the slow and selective “hook & line” technique, which minimizes the impact on marine habitats in the area.
King's Seafood Distribution

California Wild Troll King Salmon are found along the coast and caught locally in California — the Morro Bay area to be exact. They're rich in flavor with a bright red hue.  


These fish are caught by the slow and selective “hook & line” technique, which minimizes the impact on marine habitats in the area, while also helping lower the rate of bycatch. This process also minimizes injury and scarring to the fish.

Grilled Salmon at King's Fish House

Born in fresh water, King Salmon later migrate and spend most of their lives in ocean water. They later return to the freshwater area to reproduce. Weighing at 15-20 pounds, they are high in quality, and of all the Pacific Salmon, they have the highest fat content.


California Wild Troll King Salmon are available seasonally from May–September.



Location of Harvest:
Morro Bay, CA


May to September


Flavor Profile:
Distinct and buttery with a medium flake

Published on
April 28, 2023
King's Seafood Company

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