Farmed Kampachito

Our Kampachitos are raised in a safe, clean and controlled environment. The fish are responsibly farmed in the deep waters of the Gulf of California.
Photo courtesy of King Kampachi

Kampachitos: The Strong Fish


Small in size, big on flavor! Small Kampachi, also known as Kampachitos, come from the Carangidae family and weigh around 600-800 grams.

Similar to Amberjack and Yellowtail, a Kampachi has a unique identifier – a dark diagonal strip through the eyes to the back of the neck.

Native to Baja California, these farmed fish, also known as “El Pez Fuerte (the strong fish),” are allowed to have offspring year-round!

When the fish spawn, their eggs are raised on the edge of the shore and then moved to the ocean.

This process helps them develop in their natural environment.

Photo courtesy of King Kampachi

Our Kampachitos are raised in a safe, clean and controlled environment.

The fish are responsibly farmed in the deep waters of the Gulf of California.

They are consciously raised and nurtured by aquaculture professionals, who are committed to fish welfare.


Unlike their wild counterparts, farmed Kampachitos have high fat content, making them a great source for omega-3s.

Cooked or prepared as sashimi, these fish are buttery in flavor and make for a clean bite! Catch Kampachitos while they’re here!  

Published on
April 28, 2023
King's Seafood Company

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