Neets Bay Salmon

This month, we’re welcoming our newest Wild King Salmon, all the way from Neets Bay in Alaska!
Cedar Plank Salmon at King's Fish House

This month, we’re welcoming our newest Wild King Salmon, all the way from Neets Bay!


Neets Bay, located in Southern Alaska, is rather secluded. In fact, the only way for a person to reach the bay is by boat or a floatplane.    


Born in freshwater, Wild King Salmon later migrate and spend most of their lives in ocean water. They later return to the same freshwater area to reproduce.  

The season here is rather short —June to September to be exact.

Antonio holding today's catch from Neet's Bay in Alaska

Interestingly, Neets Bay attracts Black Bears and other wildlife to the area. The animals enjoy the available wild salmon, while tourists visit to see it firsthand.    


A non-profit organization established by Alaskan fishermen, called the Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (SSRAA), runs one of the largest salmon hatcheries in Alaska. This hatchery is in Neets Bay and has helped increase the wild salmon population for decades.  


Interested in reading more about Wild King Salmon? Check out our Columbia River King Salmon!


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Flavor Profile:

Published on
April 28, 2023
King's Seafood Company

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