Bluefin Tuna

Beginning Saturday we’ll be offering Bluefin Tuna in place of our frequent Yellowfin tuna!

Beginning Saturday we’ll be offering Bluefin Tuna in place of our frequent Yellowfin tuna!

We’re blessed to have great seafood in the waters of Southern California- Whether it is White Seabass, Yellowtail, Swordfish, or Bluefin- We’re always stoked when our local fisherman have surprises like this for us.

The catch & quota of Bluefin Tuna here in California is an important part of our fisheries’ management. Both NOAA and the Aquarium of the Pacific have noted that U.S. caught Bluefin Tuna is a “smart” seafood choice.

Additionally, we work directly with the local fisherman that are landing these beautiful fish, so each fish is caught one at a time by hook and line, ensuring great handling and even better quality.

This is an opportunity for us to celebrate a special fish, the Summer Season, and of course, Southern California. The fish we have in house was caught on the F/V Sarah Renee by the Saraspe family out of San Diego. Like King’s Seafood Company, Saraspe Seafood is a third-generation family business that has been in Southern California for over 70 years!

Published on
April 28, 2023
King's Seafood Company

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