Wild Santa Barbara Spot Prawn Season

Every February, we gear up to receive these live, special treasures from local fishermen in Santa Barbara.
Live Santa Barbara Spot Prawns in our saltwater tank at Water Grill

Spot Prawn Season!


Southern California’s Wild Spot Prawn season has officially started! Every February, we gear up to receive these live, special treasures from local fishermen in Santa Barbara, CA.


Fun fact: Spot Prawns were discovered in the 1930s in octopus traps, specifically off the coast of Monterey! Soon after, fisheries began catching the flavorful crustaceans.


Wild Spot Prawns are a SoCal seafood treat. Known as the largest shrimp located on the West Coast, Spot Prawns are traditionally enjoyed quickly after being caught via pot traps.

Spot Prawns with black olive tapenade, toasted quinoa and citrus salad

As a result of the quick catch, they’re only found at restaurants and markets that can handle the seasonal product with care. Once caught, they’re placed (still alive!) in our restaurants’ live tanks to ensure the quality of the product.


Firmer in texture and sweeter in flavor, Wild Spot Prawns have a distinct red-brown hue that makes them unique. Dive into these delightful crustaceans while they’re in season, February–October!  




Harvest Areas:
Gulf of Alaska up to Northern Baja California

What They Eat:
Plankton, shrimp and small mollusks

Fisheries Management:
California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Published on
April 28, 2023
King's Seafood Company

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