Nantucket Bay Scallops

Nantucket Bay Scallops are one of the most desired scallops around the world.

Nantucket Bay Scallops are one of the most desired scallops around the world.

Their flavor is pleasantly sweet and mild, and they’re delicious to enjoy both raw and cooked.


Fishing for these scallops is restrictive and difficult, which makes their availability throughout the season inconsistent. Heavy winds and ice can keep boats at bay for weeks during the season, preventing any harvest at all.

Even if weather permits boats to go out fishing, fishermen are only able to harvest if the air temperature is above 28 degrees before 10AM.

That's because the water is warmer than the air, and when bringing the scallops on board their boats, the fishermen must sort through them and return the juvenile scallops. If the air is lower than 28 degrees, the juvenile scallops will freeze and die.


These restrictions on fishing are important to help support the fishery's sustainability.

Published on
April 28, 2023
Juan Vargas

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